Overview of CE certification
Sep 13, 2022

A special feature is the European CE conformity procedure. The abbreviation CE stands for “CommunautéEuropéenne” and was created by the European Union. The procedure is intended to ensure a minimum safety standard for products. This is intended to enable the free movement of goods between the countries in the EU and to create uniform rules for all market participants.

You have probably seen a variety of products that are marked with the CE symbol. The product marking with the CE symbol is always preceded by the conformity assessment, after which the declaration of conformity is also drawn up.

The conformity procedure itself includes technical documentation with the following content:

  •       Product design information
  •       BOM
  •       Circuit diagrams
  •       Manufacturing process
  •       Test Reports
  •       Instruction manual
  •       Risk analysis

In summary, therefore, manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that their own products comply with European directives. Compliance with the directives is confirmed with the declaration of conformity and the affixing of the CE mark.

The relevant safety tests can be freely selected by the manufacturer. They also do not have to be carried out (exception: notified body must be consulted) in an accredited test laboratory. Keyword personal responsibility: the manufacturer must be responsible for safety and be able to prove this through suitable tests. Experience has shown that most manufacturers resort to the appropriate harmonized standards, which can be found in the implementing directives in the Official Journals of the European Union. This puts you on the safe side.

The following applies to rechargeable batteries:

For rechargeable batteries (lithium and nickel based), this would be e.g. the EN62133 for portable applications. This standard describes in detail the tests that the battery must pass to be considered “safe” from a regulatory standpoint. As long as it is “only” a matter CE conformity, no IEC or CB certificate is needed. A summary of the test results is sufficient in the context of the technical documentation to cover the “test reports” point.

If you have any requirements or any kind of query regarding the Lead acid battery solutions for your applications, feel free to communicate with our dedicated team at any time at

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